Being a risk-taker and fan of all things entrepreneurial, I became the founding creative of this forward-thinking Men's brand. 
In 2016 we created a natural, men's grooming and skincare range to champion male health and sustainable business practices. Healthy Body. Healthy Environment.
 This is a brand with a strong ethos requiring an anti-corporate, artistic, and tactile feel, to make this all-natural product stand-out on shelf and on screen.
Full creative control comes with plethora of hats you need to wear.
I rolled up my sleeves and created; Brand ID (logo, slogan, styling), packaging, website, POS, sales materials, photography, videography, social media development, copy writing, PR releases, business plans, campaign creation, and more... Let's just say it was an incredible adventure!
But the key... 
To carry the natural, health-centric style through all channels and executions, whilst ensuring it's perceived as a brand with attitude and energy, and not another pretty-boy grooming range! 
This is a brand with a multi-facetted consumer, from urban artisans, athletic fanatics, to outdoor adventurers. So it was a constant balancing act played out through photography, design, and tone of voice to ensure we were not pigeon-holed, but remained an authentic experience in the life of active men.
Consumers are more informed now than ever before, so integrity and story-telling in the voice of your brand is vital. 
We entered into this to make a difference, educate men, offer something fresh, and to demonstrate a more sustainable way to do business.
An opportunity arose for a Harry Styles range of our natural barbering products.
I swiftly designed a suite of packaging as an exclusive for one the UK's biggest cosmetics retailers, whilst maintaining an undeniable UpRoar style, with the personal touch of Harry's signature.
After the first 2 years it became apparent that the demographic was growing significantly within the older male market, so the branding was required to evolve. I transitioned the identity into a lighter, more broadly appealing style whilst maintaining its roots as a non-nonsense, environmentally friendly, all healthy, male grooming brand. 

As momentum grew, so has the product range. 
A huge selection of CBD supplements was created to meet the exploding trend in daily CBD dosing. 
This cutting-edge range, that wasn't on the radar when we started the brand, had to encompass the UpRoar tactile style, but be radically distinctive at the same time. This sector requires a certain medicinal/trustworthy style, but UpRoar like to push the status-quo. So this vibrant, fresh range was crafted into the UpRoar family, whilst vehemently avoiding clichés associated with Cannabis.
I created a new CBD version of the clawed UPROAR logo to give a subtle nod to this wonder plant.
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